BEIA has many partnerships in Romania and can provide a full sub-consortium, including industrial manufacturers, academia, large enterprises and SMEs including, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Romanian Academy), Romanian Space Agency, National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering. And finally, Beia is a member of various professional organizations such as ARIES, PMI, IEEE, AHK, IPMA.
Previous experience in FP and H2020 projects
BEIA has R&D expertise in Cloud and embedded M2M (Machine 2 Machine) telemonitoring applications, one of the R&D results consist in “IP-Wireless-Telemetry” experimental system: Remote Terminal Unit (RTU stand alone, GPS location, data acquisition and processing, command and control, GPRS/CDMA on-line data transmission with TCP/IP embedded); Field Interface Unit – communications server; client application (fleet management, data monitoring and command), human machine interface.
Our company develops an agriculture monitoring platform for monitoring ecological parameters and environmental telemetry, having experience in sensor networks for real-time monitoring (including seismic activity, radioactivity, tsunamis, marine/maritime activities) and with telemetry systems for Irrigation Management (including sensors for measuring soil moisture, monitor water uptake and calculate evapotranspiration), Accurate Water Data (watersensors for hydrographical purposes, from precipitation to water level monitoring of lakes, rivers, wells) and Efficient Water Management (leak and burst detection, pressure, flow, level and well monitoring). BEIA has experience with software for Energy Remote Management System and manages an ongoing project “TELE-GREEN / Telemonitoring System equipment, installations and facilities for the production of clean energy” co-financed by the European Regional Development Funding.
BEIA CONSULT has completed more than ten National and EU R&D projects which have resulted in international projects such as “REDICT”, a FP7 EU-financed project, projects financed from the “National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation” including: TERRA_RO, LOCOMAX, MITEAPL, SAWHAU, SEDCC and finally, projects financed through the “Research of Excellence Programme”: ARTEMIS, RO-IP-Wireless-Telemetry, HIBRIVOLT, PRO-EURO-TIC. Also BEIA has started the EU projects “CLOUD CONSULTING”, “FAIR” and “NMSDMON” in the field of Cloud and IoT (Internet of Things) that will serve to industrialize the cloud communications solutions.